Friends of Stony Brook (FOSB) partners with a handful of key stakeholders to help fund and organize projects that will restore, repair, and improve Stony Brook. Some of the projects completed or currently being worked on may be found below. Click on the project summary to learn more.
FOSB and its partners are proposing to relocate the stream onto the Hahn property, following the course “drawn” in the cropland by the heavy rain events. By moving the stream out of the current channel, the new corridor will be free of right turns, with healthy meanders, riffle/pool complexes, fish habitat, and spawning areas.
Just upstream of the Sohrweide property, an undersized driveway culvert was replaced in 2021. Using the same sized bottomless culvert as the Sohrweide site, the new driveway crossing allows for better stream flow.
A tractor crossing splits this site in two. Upon completion of the culvert installation, DNR habitat crews restored over 500 feet of stream upstream of the tractor crossing. Countless boulders were removed from the stream corridor, most of which were reused somewhere on-site to enhance habitat.