Pingel Culvert Installation

Stony Brook, Shady Lane

Completed Project

Summer 2021

40 linear feet

Fund for Lake Michigan, LNRP Stewardship Fund, Pingel Family

Just upstream of the Sohrweide property, an undersized driveway culvert was replaced in 2021. Years of impeded flow degraded the upstream section of Stony Brook, causing significant instream sedimentation and widening of the stream – which are both detrimental to any fish community including Brown and Brook trout. In addition, the recent heavy rain events caused the driveway to flood and unsafe access conditions for the property owners. Using the same sized bottomless culvert as the Sohrweide site, the new driveway crossing allows for better stream flow. We will be sure to report back after next year’s high flows to determine if driveway safety conditions improved.