Sorhweide Phase 1

Stoney Brook, County Road F

Completed Project

Summer 2020

500 linear feet

Fund for Lake Michigan, LRNP, Sohrweide Family

The Sorhweide property is the official “home” to the TIC trout release.  In 2016, the first TIC trout were stocked by local students.  The site was chosen due to the accessibility from Shady Lane.  A tractor crossing splits this site in two.  This made the site an ideal first phase restoration location.  In 2020, a new tractor crossing was installed. The old, double culvert crossing was too narrow and was causing flooding upstream and bank erosion downstream.  An open bottom culvert was chosen to provide ample room for the stream to flow during high flow events.  Within one year of the new culvert installation, the downstream eroding bank is healing itself.

Upon completion of the culvert installation, DNR habitat crews restored over 500 feet of stream upstream of the tractor crossing. Countless boulders were removed from the stream corridor, most of which were reused somewhere on site to enhance habitat. The boulders, which were likely placed along the side of the stream over decades as unwanted field stone, were impeding the stream channel to move on its own, which caused multiple issues including cropland flooding and erosion. After the boulders were removed, the banks were reshaped and meanders were created to improve sinuosity. At each turn, lunker structures were installed and riffle areas were placed upstream of each lunker complex, creating habitat and spawning area. These bend/riffle complexes will continue to develop deeper pools to house larger trout. 

Image of the improvements made to Stony Brook at the Tractor Crossing.

This image shows Stony Brook after the completion of the tractor crossing and other improvements.

In fall of 2021, spawning activity was observed, indicated by the redd’s in the picture, which are gravel areas that were cleared of silt by spawning activity.

Image showing the spawning activity observed in autumn of 2021 within Stony Brook.

Image showing the spawning activity observed in autumn of 2021 within Stony Brook.