Posts in Update
Dec 2019 Update: Trout in the Classroom is expanding to a university class endeavor for Chilton Middle and High School Students

“Trout in the Classroom” in the Chilton school system started with a short phone conversation between Brad Bowman, the Chilton Middle School Counselor and FVTU president Joe Bach in the fall of 2015. The conversation went something like this:  Joe, I heard of a TU program called Trout in the Classroom and I would like to have it implemented in our schools.  Joe’s reply: “I heard of the program too, let me look into it and I will get back with you.

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February 2019 Stony Brook Project Report Update

Since 2016, the Stony Brook project has developed into a collaborative project among many groups including Chilton School District, Fox Valley Trout Unlimited, WDNR, Calumet County, local land owners, and many others. The partnerships formed have led to on the ground efforts to improve conditions at Stony Brook, assess the potential for developing a trout fishery, and has provided students with a local, hands on learning experience.

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